Sunday, July 17, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 3

The Pitch.

Based on my most recent feedback, I added information on how I will be able to track parking in my app. Thanks to one of the comments, I was able to include a part where I explain that I will be using satellite information in order to locate parking. I kept everything else relatively the same because of the positive feedback that I received last time. It's hard to change a lot when your pitch can only be a minute so I kept it short and simple. I explained what it did and who it was for.

The Amazon Whisperer

My revenue will come from selling my app and the price that I sell it for. I believe the next thing that my customers would want is parking reservation. The closest thing I could find on Amazon was this. This will help my app by giving me another revenue driver. It will also improve user experience by creating way for customers to get what they want. Not only will they be able to see available parking, paying customers will be able to reserve them. The reviews on Amazon for the similar product was great. There were only 2 reviews but they both said that it was a reliable service and did what it said it would do.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1) My name is Kalvin and I'm a student at the University of Florida. As for skills and experiences, I am fluent in two languages and am currently studying business. I've worked a variety of part time jobs and am currently looking to go into law school. If I were to create this app, it would play a very big role in my life. I would be able to revolutionize parking for everyone and I believe it would create a lot of revenue. I wouldn't have to look for any part time work and could invest all my time and effort into this app.

2) The customer's unmet need is that they are spending too much time looking for parking. This is not only a huge waste of time, but also very unnecessary. I believe that with the technology we have today, we can eradicate this waste of time by implementing the right technology together. I would provide a way for users to locate parking quickly through the use of their phones, eliminating the need for them to look for parking physically.

3) My customers all have this in common; they need to park and they need to do it quickly. The beauty of my app is that it can reach out to a variety of different demographics. Ideally, I would begin with people in their 20's and 30's who are comfortable using their smart phones and who have places to park. This age range has a good balance of being technologically hip and also going to places that require parking such as school, work, airports, amusement parks, etc.

4) My customers care because this is a real problem that I believe we can all relate to. With the feedback I've received already, I had no problem convincing people that this was an app that they would purchase and use. In fact, they were hoping that an app like this would be developed soon so that they could try it.

5) My core competency would my product's uniqueness. I have yet to find an app that can do this and I'm confident that if created well, it would dominate the market for parking. I would have a head start and it would be very easy for people to try my app since there's nothing like it.

Hypothetically speaking, I believe that my business concept fits together very nicely. What makes it easy is that it's a very simple solution to a very common problem. The weakest element would have to be myself. I'm no app designer and I don't have the first clue to how I could come up with the technology to make this possible. I would have to talk to a lot of people who are much more experienced in these fields in order to get a better idea of how this can come to life.

Feedback Memo
My feedback was very positive and encouraging. Everyone could agree and share a time where parking was a hassle. Someone did ask me how I would be able to make all this happen and I had to be honest in this Idea Napkin that I really didn't know how due to my lack of expertise. I really enjoyed reading how people were able to relate to not only my idea, but also my life experiences such as moving a lot when I was growing up. Feedback is essential to any idea because it can really encourage one to continue pursuing their idea. It also helps them to see things from different perspectives that they wouldn't have been able to do before.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 2

1. The Pitch
2. So on my last pitch, I only got one comment and it didn't have any criticism so I kept my pitch the same. It was encouraging for me to read and I was glad to see that I wasn't the only with this problem.
3. Like I said, I didn't add any changes to my pitch except some different wording.

My Secret Sauce

1. Five ways that my human capital is unique:

  • I can adapt to my environments quickly. I was exposed to a lot of different people and places growing up so I enjoy being able to approach things from different ways. This helps me to assimilate to new places quicker than other people.
  • Networking and talking to people are my strengths. I do alright with public speaking, but I'm much better at being able to connect and relate to people on a personal level. This helps me build strong relationships with those around me.
  • I have a genuine care for people. I make it a priority that I'm always doing something to make a difference in someone else's life. Whether it's being a good son or brother or a good employee, I want to use my skills to better those around me.
  • I thrive thinking on my feet. Planning is important, but when things don't go the way they were expected to, I excel in pushing things through. My quick thinking and creativity is what helps me find solutions when I need to.
  • I'm a man of God. When you live for people and what they think of you, you'll always be changing never realizing who you really are. That's why for me Christianity is so vital. I know how hard it is when things are always changing to be yourself, but that's why my relationships with God has always been the anchor that I looked for. I've gone through a lot of ups and downs and that's why I really appreciate stability when I can find it. My stability comes from my relationship with God and how He's always lead me through every hardship. I wouldn't have been able to enjoy anything that I have if not for Him and that's why I make it a priority to live my life for Him. I'm so far from perfect and I've failed more than anyone, but for as long as I live I don't want to give up in this pursuit for a life that shows my thankfulness for what He's done. This is ultimately what helps me make the right decisions even when I don't want to and nobody may appreciate me for it.
2. Interviews

  • Brian Do - What touched me the most about what Brian said was how my drive made me excel and how I take care of people if they are willing to take that risk and put their trust in me. I'm thankful to know that he sees these qualities in me and how as a friend he felt that I was reliable.
  • Dad - I was reluctant to interview my dad at first because English isn't his first language, but he blew me away with what he said and I have to say that this was my favorite interview. Of the many kind things he said, what I appreciated the most was when he said that when trouble times come, I'm someone that will be there and help you find a solution. Growing up, we always had a language/culture barrier so I never really got to hear how he thought of me. Even if someone else said the same thing, it wouldn't mean nearly as much as when he said it because he's someone that raised me and knows me better than anyone. 
  • Hannah Kim - This was a funny interview to do because my little sister is only 14 so I didn't expect much. I was pleasantly surprised though when she told me that I was a forgiving person. I was such a bad brother to her when we were much younger and that's why recently I've made such an effort in being a much better brother to her. This meant apologizing to her first and setting a good example as an older brother. This helped us grow much closer and now she's one of the closest person to me.
  • Sam - Sam and Brian are my two closest friends because we've stayed in touch for such a long time which is really hard to do. Again, he said a lot of things that I didn't expect and what I liked the best was how he noticed that I'm not scared to be a leader and a follower. When a group needs someone to lead he said I'll do it, but if I need to step down and let someone else take charge I'll do that too. This is something that I didn't even notice about myself and I'm not sure that it's completely true. Now that he did point it out, I want to make it something is completely true because I think it's a very admirable quality.
  • Young - Young is one of my more recent friends but still someone close to me. We met through church and have gone on missions together so have gotten to know each other pretty well. He's someone that saw first hand how I interact with people and so when he acknowledged my people skills it was definitely encouraging. 
3. I think it's funny because I didn't expect any of the things that people told me during my interviews. For me, I always work hard towards becoming a good person, but I never like acknowledging that I am one because then I stop trying as hard. I think for the most part what my interviewees said are true. The differences though from how they assess me and how I assess myself come from my insecurities. Often I'm much better at pointing out my flaws than my strengths so I tend to focus on them more. It's honestly not a healthy habit, but it keeps my humble when people say nice things because I know I have so much more to work on. I wouldn't make any corrections from my first list.