Saturday, July 2, 2016

My Secret Sauce

1. Five ways that my human capital is unique:

  • I can adapt to my environments quickly. I was exposed to a lot of different people and places growing up so I enjoy being able to approach things from different ways. This helps me to assimilate to new places quicker than other people.
  • Networking and talking to people are my strengths. I do alright with public speaking, but I'm much better at being able to connect and relate to people on a personal level. This helps me build strong relationships with those around me.
  • I have a genuine care for people. I make it a priority that I'm always doing something to make a difference in someone else's life. Whether it's being a good son or brother or a good employee, I want to use my skills to better those around me.
  • I thrive thinking on my feet. Planning is important, but when things don't go the way they were expected to, I excel in pushing things through. My quick thinking and creativity is what helps me find solutions when I need to.
  • I'm a man of God. When you live for people and what they think of you, you'll always be changing never realizing who you really are. That's why for me Christianity is so vital. I know how hard it is when things are always changing to be yourself, but that's why my relationships with God has always been the anchor that I looked for. I've gone through a lot of ups and downs and that's why I really appreciate stability when I can find it. My stability comes from my relationship with God and how He's always lead me through every hardship. I wouldn't have been able to enjoy anything that I have if not for Him and that's why I make it a priority to live my life for Him. I'm so far from perfect and I've failed more than anyone, but for as long as I live I don't want to give up in this pursuit for a life that shows my thankfulness for what He's done. This is ultimately what helps me make the right decisions even when I don't want to and nobody may appreciate me for it.
2. Interviews

  • Brian Do - What touched me the most about what Brian said was how my drive made me excel and how I take care of people if they are willing to take that risk and put their trust in me. I'm thankful to know that he sees these qualities in me and how as a friend he felt that I was reliable.
  • Dad - I was reluctant to interview my dad at first because English isn't his first language, but he blew me away with what he said and I have to say that this was my favorite interview. Of the many kind things he said, what I appreciated the most was when he said that when trouble times come, I'm someone that will be there and help you find a solution. Growing up, we always had a language/culture barrier so I never really got to hear how he thought of me. Even if someone else said the same thing, it wouldn't mean nearly as much as when he said it because he's someone that raised me and knows me better than anyone. 
  • Hannah Kim - This was a funny interview to do because my little sister is only 14 so I didn't expect much. I was pleasantly surprised though when she told me that I was a forgiving person. I was such a bad brother to her when we were much younger and that's why recently I've made such an effort in being a much better brother to her. This meant apologizing to her first and setting a good example as an older brother. This helped us grow much closer and now she's one of the closest person to me.
  • Sam - Sam and Brian are my two closest friends because we've stayed in touch for such a long time which is really hard to do. Again, he said a lot of things that I didn't expect and what I liked the best was how he noticed that I'm not scared to be a leader and a follower. When a group needs someone to lead he said I'll do it, but if I need to step down and let someone else take charge I'll do that too. This is something that I didn't even notice about myself and I'm not sure that it's completely true. Now that he did point it out, I want to make it something is completely true because I think it's a very admirable quality.
  • Young - Young is one of my more recent friends but still someone close to me. We met through church and have gone on missions together so have gotten to know each other pretty well. He's someone that saw first hand how I interact with people and so when he acknowledged my people skills it was definitely encouraging. 
3. I think it's funny because I didn't expect any of the things that people told me during my interviews. For me, I always work hard towards becoming a good person, but I never like acknowledging that I am one because then I stop trying as hard. I think for the most part what my interviewees said are true. The differences though from how they assess me and how I assess myself come from my insecurities. Often I'm much better at pointing out my flaws than my strengths so I tend to focus on them more. It's honestly not a healthy habit, but it keeps my humble when people say nice things because I know I have so much more to work on. I wouldn't make any corrections from my first list.


  1. Kalvin,
    I think you said it best when it is easier to point out flaws then strengths. Your friend Sam talks about how you talk a lot and then goes into how you are a conversation starter and that is a plus. I guess I would have to ask how well do you listen? This happens to be an even bigger aspect than you would think, especially if you launch your product. I am very impressed with your post.

  2. Hey Kalvin! After reading and listening to your assignment "My Secret Sauce", I was able to get to know a little bit about you. I related to you on a few aspects such as having a care for people and being involved in your religion. I admired that you were so vocal about being a man of god which is rare to find within our generation and age group.

  3. Kalvin, I think its great that you are a people person and can make conversation with anyone. I sometimes struggle with that. I also think its awesome that you can adapt to your environment quickly. Thats really important in life because you never know the curve balls you might get. You did a great job with this assignment by letting us get to know you better. Keep up the good work!

  4. Kalvin,
    From all of these interviews I got a better understanding of who you are, and it seems like you have a great network of friends and family around you. The interview with your father was incredibly touching. It was heart-warming to listen to him say what an excellent leader you are and that you'd truly be a great asset to any company that hires you. I also appreciated you sharing that you are a man of God because it is uncommon now for people to talk about religion, even though it is influential in our lives.

  5. Hey Kalvin,
    I must admit that your post was on of my favorites and one that I related with on so many levels.
    I loved the point that your friend made about knowing when to step up or down. I have always been one to understand that people are equipped with different strengths and weaknesses and being able to acknowledge other's and your own abilities is instrumental to any activity of a group, so that those abilities are utilized efficiently. I would gladly step down if someone is a greater asset in a leadership role over me in a project.
    I also appreciated your father's words. They were laced with love and admiration, which clearly came across the recording.
    Your profession of your faith also was something I found inspiring, especially, as many others have noted, about how it is now with our generation in regards to faith. I do hope the best for you and wish you success in all that you put your hands to do.

  6. Kalvin,
    It's always great to hear nice feedback from your friends and family, especially when you weren't expecting their responses. I loved reading your paragraph about Christianity because I am a Christian as well. My relationship and trust in God has always been my main foundation and focus in life. Knowing that He is in control takes a lot of the pressure of life off your shoulders and allows you to enjoy everything to the fullest I think
